Birds are very sensitive to any change in their surroundings, so any type of relocation and moving can be stressful for them. But if you plan your move properly and methodically you can minimize the troubling changes in your bird’s world. Guided by our experience Intermove Bosnia can help you in that difficult task.

A lot depends on how you will transport your birds, by airline or by car. As with dogs and cats, bus lines and trains do not accept pets. For the safety and comfort of your birds, traveling by car is the best option. This is not always possible and most airlines will allow birds to be flown with owners in the cabin or in the cargo hold.
Regardless of how you transport your birds, you should have them checked by a veterinarian and obtain health certificates. For that purpose some countries require health certificates and even if you are travelling to a country that doesn’t, require such a documentations it’s better to have those documents, for no other reason than to show proof of ownership.
Remember to remain as calm as possible during the move. Your birds will pick up on your stress and they will become stressed, too. So, it,s important to be calm if possible.
The first thing you should do is to clear out a room for your bird before the professional movers arrive. This way, the bird can avoid most of the stress caused by the moving chaos. In generall, your pets should be the last to leave and the first to arrive when moving.
Also if it is difficult to move your pets by yourselfe consider a pet transportation company. If you are expensing relocation, see if you can negotiate having your company pay to have your pets moved professionally. Moving companies are not allowed to transport pets. When considering professional movers, you can ask if they work with or can recommend a pet transportation company. Pet movers handle everything from picking up your pet at home to delivering it to your new home or a kennel. Most offer airline or vehicle travel options.

Car relocation of your birds!
Birds usually enjoy car travel, especially if they can see out the windows. If you choose to get different carriers for the trip, make sure to get them at least a month before you travel. Have your birds spend time in the new carriers or cages so they become used to them and that they can accommodate to the new surroundings. You may also want to place some of their toys or treats in the carriers, so it’s a positive experience.
If your birds are not used to car travel, you may want to take them on some short rides to acclimate them.
Bellow is some more tips for moving with your birds that Intermove can advise you:
- Bring your bird’s regular food and water. Changes can cause intestinal issues. It’s also a good idea to bring at least a month’s supply of their usual food and water in case it’s not readily available at your new home. You can slowly switch food or water type when you get settled.
- Have a good quality cooler to keep fruits and vegetables for your bird on the trip.
- Birds are very sensitive to temperature, so make sure the car’s air conditioning and heating is operating properly before you leave. If it’s hot, you can purchase glare guards, such as those used for babies, to help block the sun.
- Birds should travel in the backseat with their carriers belted in. Don’t let your bird ride up front if there are airbags that cannot be turned off.
- Carefully plan your trip, making reservations at pet friendly hotels. Usually, there will be an extra charge. Also, bring a tarp or painter’s cloth to place under the cage or carrier to protect the room’s carpet.
- Try to avoid using water while in the car. Instead, bring fruit such as cucumbers or citrus. This will keep your bird dry, comfortable and hydrated. You can offer your birds water on stops. And it,s always very important to check on them every few kilometres jut to be sure that everything is ok.

Airline relocation of your birds!
Rules for pets vary by airline company, although there are regulations requiring that cargo sections suitable for transporting pets be temperature controlled and pressurized. Air travel can be especially stressful for birds if they have to travel as “live animal” cargo.
Most airlines allow birds to travel in the cabin if the carrier can fit under a seat. Usually, there is a limit of one carrier or 1 to 2 small birds per passenger in the cabin. Loud birds will not be allowed in the cabin and will have to go as “accompanied baggage” in the cargo hold.
Bellow is some more tips for moving with your birds that Intermove can advise you and in this way you will have easy moving and relocation with your birds:

- You may be required to remove your bird so its carrier can be inspected by the Transportation Security Administration. Make sure you have an avian harness; otherwise your bird may panic in the loud and bustling airport.
- You will be required to have an airlines approved carrier. Before you make your reservations, check with the airline to make sure you will be able to transport your pets. Also check all the airlines campany regulations regarding birds before the trip to be sure that everything will be done in the right way. Also try to take a nonstop flight to reduce the stress.
- Please note that birds are not allowed to travel in the cabin on international flights.
- Let your birds get used to its travel carrier before the trip. Also, include its favorite toys and treats for the trip. Anything that is familiar to the bird will make its trip less stressful.
- Not all airlines accept birds and not all airlines that accept birds will take all birds. More planning on your part will lead to the least stressful trip for you and your bird.

Be methodical in your preparations and you will be sure that your relocation will be smoothly for you and for your winged friends.
Take care from Intermove!