Whether you are looking for a nicer, bigger and better place or your lease is up, moving out from a rental can be exciting and extremely frustrating because of all little things that you have to handle before returning the keys to your landlord. And that little things can grow to a size of an elephant if you are not careful and practical.
When you are moving out it’s easy to
overlook some of the most important steps of your relocation and that can come
back to bite you in the head.
That,s why Intermove has prepared some guidelines that can help ou through your
moving out process, and can help you end the tenancy on good terms
with your landlord. Take our suggestions in consideration to protect yourself
and to have smooth and moving process.

Renters’ obligations!
1.It,s important for you to check your lease once again and make double sure that you know the terms and conditions. Know your responsibilities and general information regarding the notice period, security deposit recovery, conditions of the apartment when moving out. Falling to meet the terms of the lease may lead to some financial penalties and, also, may cause misunderstanding which can increase general charge of your move.
In most cases those penalties include
one or two months’ rent, which can be a major expense if added to other moving costs. If you end lease on bad terms with
your landlord credit rating, references and security deposit may be at stake.
So, be sure that you are aware of everything in your lease contract and
already, in that way, you will save a lot of money.
2.Ending a tenancy lease may cause some serious consequences if you are
not prepared in advance for it. As you know lifeis unpredictable and some
special circumstances beyond our control can change our plans completely, so
you can find yourself in the heat of relocation in a blink of an eye. In that
case make sure to inform your landlord about your situation as soon as
possible. If you have a good relationship with your landlord, chances are that
he may understand your position. Since you are moving out early
do your best to find a new tenant. Otherwise you may have the responsibility to
pay for the period the apartment remains vacant.
3.Give your landlord a reasonable and fer notice before moving out. A minimum period of 30 days of notice is considered a standard procedure. Allow your landlord and the management company enough time to find a new tenant and prepare the property before his arrival. On the other hand, if your landlord has violated the terms of the lease you may have the legal right to move out without advance notice prior to the lease end.
4.Don’t leave anything behind. Pack up all of your personal items before leaving your current living space. Take out all the items you don’t want to move to your new place and leave it clutter-free. Please note that it’s not your landlord’s responsibility to clear all your stuff from the apartment.

Getting back your security deposit!
Laws and regulations usually vary by location, so it is important that you make sure you understand your rights in the specific situation that you are in. When facing an imminent move, everyone’s concerned about getting the security deposit back. Assuming that you’ve met all terms of the lease, you will be entitled to get the entire security deposit back. In the bellow stated advices by Intermove you may be able to get the most of your deposit back, unless you’ve caused an extensive and irreparable damage to the property.
1.Conduct a thorough inspection of an entire property. While you are not responsible for the preexisting issues, make sure you keep records of damaged things under your lease. It’s always a good to document everything immediately after you move in just to have an evidence in case of any issue. Also, notify your landlord about any damage or appliance malfunction, if possible, in writing. In that way you will be protected from each side and nobody can surprise you with harmful requests.
2.You should be driven by idea to ake care of the rental as if you were the owner. The ideal would be to restore the apartment to its state from the period when you moved in.
As it turns
out, some types of changes are ”normal” and acceptable – cracks in the wall,
faded paint. But landlords are allowed to charge you for cleaning and repairing
services necessary to fix the damage that you personally have caused to the
property. If you want to avoid potential security deposit deductions, know
exactly your responsibilities when moving out.
3.Clean, clean, clean and after clean you should clean some more. It,s
important to leave your apartment sparkling before you moving out. Pay
attention to the high foot traffic areas, kitchen appliances, bathroom, wooden
floors, entryways. Have each family member engage in the cleaning process in
order to make it as smooth as possible and you will be done in no time.

Last steps for moving out!
After completed all repair works and after you cleaned all you are probably ready to hand in the keysto your landlord. In this phase of moving out process you should meet with your landlord and walk through and assess the apartment together with him. While house cleaning and maintenance works are not the most exciting tasks on your moving checklist, knowing that you have fulfilled your duties and obligations is very rewarding. While inspecting the apartment make sure to compare your checklists.
Hopefully, your landlord will appreciate your efforts to keep the apartment tidy.
Normally you can expect to get your security deposit back up to 2-3 weeks after moving out. If some security deposit deductions were made, your landlord should provide you with a statement and explanation in writing. If, for some reason, you think that the charges are unfair, you can go ahead and take your landlord to small claims court in order to get the entire amount back.
In addition to the tenant’s responsibilities, you will have to organize the entire move to your new apartment, so it is a smart idea to hire professional movers because, while you are handling the dispute with your landlord, dependable movers can take care of each stage of your move. Seeking for a new apartment and a profesional moving company also takes time and energy, so start your preparations well in advance. Only professional movers can use their expertise and experience to make the moving process easier on you and your family, and, belive Intermove, you will be thankful to them.
Intermove Bosnia wish you good luck in your upcoming move!