Terminating a relationship is very hard for both parties and things may get even messier when partners are living together, and that’s cause break-ups and divorces usually cause major changes in people’s lives and on top of the emotional issues, they have to deal with practicalities like discussing common belongings and finding a new place to start fresh. Moving out after a breakup is an inevitable scenario that takes place when things between you fall apart. And, in such cases, you need to be prepared so that the stress of breaking up is minimized now that you have to deal with the technical issues of moving. And that stress is always difficult to overcame because strong emotions are involved and you have to be focused so that you can get out of a relationship and out of a shared home with as few consequences as possible.
With our Intermove Bosnia advices, that we collected during our numerous relocations, we can help you get through your moving after braking of relationship. Break up tent to be messy as well as relocations also tent to be, and we, at Intermove, are expert at messy, and are glad that we can be helpful with our advices about this delicate subject.
If you’ve seen warning signs and anticipated your separation, planning your living arrangements ahead of time would be a good and clever strategy because breakups are rarely smooth and stress-free and that’s why it’s highly important that you gracefully deal with a breakup. Commonly you will have to conduct the nasty job of splitting up shared possessions, planning time with kids or pets, sorting out your finances and important questions like common lease, payments, loans, bank accounts without involving attorneys. That’s why it is good for you to make strategy and plans to rationally divide shared belongings and responsibilities. Consider the following matters and try to be as fair as possible in spite of all the hard feelings between you because you once were in love and that’s means something:
- What did you bring to this relationship?
- What are the items you purchased together?
- How will you split the items both of you are sentimental about?
- Who will get the apartment and who is moving out after a breakup?
Just try to follow these advices and try to breathe slow, to think fast and you will get out alive and with cleared head from ruins of your break up.

Moving on and moving out after a relationship damage !
Moving out after a breakup is hard, but the good news is that it will give you the opportunity for a clean start. We are all creatures of habit who typically thrive on stability and consistency. A breakup is a major disruption that goes hand in hand with breaking out of your comfort zone. The road to recovery won’t be easy, but it offers a fresh perspective on what the new step of your life would look like. So, Breaking up doesn't necessarily have to be bad, it can open the door to opportunities you never even knew existed. Of course, these opportunities come after a difficult period of getting used to breaking up.
For the purpose of quicker healing, it is necessary that you or your ex move out because staying close to each other can increase already bad feelings between you and your ex. Therefore, take your time to process everything that has recently happened and make a plan on how to sort your life out. Although it may be tempting to stay on the couch or sleep in the guest bedroom for a while, the best would be to leave as soon as possible and avoid post-breakup weirdness and confusion.
If you are going through a breakup, long-term commitments could be an aggravating circumstance. Other than dealing with emotional difficulties and grief, you have to organize your moving process, and this can bring you extra salt to the wound, but you have to endure it to get out alive; out of the relationship, but also from the apartment or house where you lived together. Handling both situations at the same time can be devastating and time consuming. Hopefully, the following Intermove tips will ease your transition and make it as hassle-free as possible.

Look for a place to stay !
Decide whether you need to move out immediately or you can stay a few days more. Depending on how you ended the relationship, you two may stay under the same roof for a while until you manage your way for the next step that you need to make. However, since no breakup is easy, you should note that it is important to minimize the time you spend together in the apartment.
Finding a new place is an imminent outcome of termination of your relationship, so evaluate all available housing options. Will you book a hotel room for a couple of days or will you be staying at your friend’s? Will you buy or rent a new apartment? Can you afford to live alone or are you going to find a roommate? That is all important questions that you need to ask yourself.
Also it is important to note that you don’t let emotions cloud your judgment because there will be a lot of important decisions for you to make. Chances are you will go through several emotionally charged conversations and discussions with your partner to sort things out. The person you were close and deeply in love with may seem like a stranger all of a sudden. But try to end your relationship in civilized manner.
The initial confusion might lead to some wrong choices, so avoid making long term commitments like purchasing a house or an apartment immediately after the separation, because your judgment will be in the question mark because it will be colored by emotions over the break up . You will face a lot of changes during the upcoming period and as a result, you may come up with some new goals and ideas that need a flexible lifestyle – sudden trips and relocations. However, when moving out after a breakup, the best thing to do would be to have someone take care of the whole moving process, which is certainly doable with some professional moving company, like Intermove Bosnia is.

Partner up with moving company !
Hiring a good moving company will ensure your peace of mind, at least when it comes to handling and transferring your personal belongings. Dividing assets after a divorce or breakup is always unpleasant, but it is important to establish who will get what so that your movers can provide an accurate moving estimate. Note that when sharing, do not be stubborn. The most important thing is that everything is done as peacefully as possible
If your schedule is a bit tight and you have to move out urgently, let professionals pack your belongings for you. A reputable moving company is key to a successful and smooth move, especially during such challenging times. So, for that reason you can turn to Intermove Bosnia, as we have deal with lot’s of break ups and we try to do the moving out in calm and gentle manner.
Bear in mind that your movers are familiar with similar situations and they know that good and reliable service is the best possible support in these hard and emotionally challenging situations.
Also, when moving day comes, probably the least painful solution would be to move out when your ex is not there unless you two have agreed otherwise. If both of you are moving out, make sure you are not doing it on the same day. This will allow you more space and fewer inconveniences and awkward moments.
Also, try to maintain a healthy relationship with your ex, no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem. Do your best to make the separation more tolerable, especially if there are children stuck in the middle.

Surround yourself with loved ones !
Having a friend close by during this tough period can be helpful for number of reasons. In some extreme situations, a friend can be a liaison between you and your ex during moving process. He or she can help you pack, move, arrange your new place and reorganize your life. When moving out after a breakup consider, staying at your friend’s home for a while until you find a new place for you.
Going through a separation alone is certainly not recommended and your friends can help you overcome this unpleasant experience not only with their presence but also with their support. No one said that making a new start is easy, but try to stay organized and optimistic and follow your dreams and goals. Focus on the new chance that you’ve got and try to keep stress at bay. With the help of your loved ones and your movers, the relocation process will be completed successfully and you will be able to move on with your life because, at the end nobody died. You only separated from your ex and that is for the best because otherwise relationship will work.

Take care of yourself !
Moving out after a breakup will most likely leave you both emotionally and physically exhausted. Chances are you will feel a bit lost and unsettled after leaving your family home. It’s not easy to live with a roommate or alone after you’ve spent years sharing your living space with a loved one. In order to get settled make sure to decorate your new place with some warm and appealing touches. Avoid displaying keepsakes from the previous relationship as it will do no good to you. You can keep them in a out of sight for as long as you want.
Also, taking care of yourself is an important post-breakup task. It may take a while before you start feeling like yourself again. But, in the meantime, you should definitely do anything that makes you happy. Treat yourself to a nice trip, engage in extracurricular activities and spend a lot of time with your loved ones.
Moving out after a breakup or divorce is one of the most stressful life events. But on the bright side, it will give you a chance for a clean slate as we mentioned.
So, always look on the bright side of life our Intermove friend !