Books are a very important item that can sometimes be really hard to part with when you move because of it,s both emotional value and market value. While it’s important to purge and get rid of what you don’t need before you move into your new place, books can sometimes be a little trickier to assess whether they stay or go. For some, books can be a reminder of a beloved childhood moment, or for others a favorite book in college. These precious items often travel with us from move to move before we actually decide on whether they should be placed in storage, passed along to a friend, donated, and in some instances, thrown away. To help you Intermove will provide you a guide on evaluating and packing your books during a move to help you organize them in the most efficient way possible. Pay attention at this steps for organising your precious books and your move with even tonne of them will be efficaciously.

1.Assess your books!
For starters it’s best to go through all of your books to figure what you should pass along to a friend, place in storage, donate and/or get rid of. If you consider some of the books will be interesting to a friend you should forwarded along to them. Donating them is a great idea to give back to a local charity, or you can also give them to a buddy who you think would love the book just as much as you did. Knowing that they are going to good hands might make the ‘getting rid of them process’ a little easier and, of course faster. And you will be sured, in both cases, that you done some good deeds.
In some instances, you might want to keep your boxes but realize that you don’t need them in your new home. A storage solution is a great option for this where you can hold onto them without having them in your living space. During this process, you might also come across books that are tattered or worn-down. In those cases, you should probably recycle them or pass them to your local library where they might be able to use them for an upcycled craft.

2.Get books out of your house!
Once you have the pile of books that you are giving away, be sure to arrange for the donation and/or pass them along to a friend. The moving process is so frenetic with so many things to do that you want to make sure that, whatever tasks you have around the house, are finished before you tackle the actual packing.
3.Assess your moving needs for your books!
Once you have your list of books that you are keeping, arrange them a pile so that you can see how many books are coming with you to your new place. You might be surprised at how many books you have and how many moving boxes you’ll need. It is only when it comes to moving that people realise how much things they are asquired during the passing years.

4.Gather your supplies!
Now you’ll need your moving boxes and tape. For boxes, it’s best to get strong, medium-sized boxes. If your boxes are too large, it will make it harder to lift them and potentially causing them to break. Always be careful that you don,t put too much books in your boxes because you will have very “difficult” move.
5.Put layer in the boxes!
If you have a lot of hardcover books, it’s a good idea to place some moving paper on the bottom of your boxes. This can help to avoid any denting or movement that will occur during transportation..

6.Pack up your books!
Start your packing by packing your heaviest and largest books that you place on the bottom of your box, then add in your medium-sized and then smaller books on the top of the box. You will also want to pack your books flat, so that you can fit several stacks of books in one box. Belove Intermove, that is the smartest way for packing books.
7.Make the most of your boxes
If you have any space in between your books, consider filling them in with other items that you have to pack. Some common items to fill in spaces for boxes, include small dish towels, shirts, underwear, and/or socks for padding. But, note that you always pac your boxes for books not to heavy.

8.Seal your book boxes!
As we mentioned, books are heavy and you want to make sure that your boxes are sealed tightly and securely. After you finish loading up your box, seal it with packing tape. Also, be careful to seal both the top and the bottom of your boxes for additional security.
9.Repeat the packing!
Packing books can take some time to complete. Create a system for yourself as you load and seal your boxes. Having friends help you out during this stage can also be super helpful to get the job done quicker and easier.

10.Always label your boxes!
It’s so important to label your boxes so that you and your movers know exactly where your boxes should go when you finally get into your new house. And since these boxes will be super heavy, labeling them as books will ensure that they won’t be placed on top of anything that are noted as fragile.
After you figure out which books are moving on with you to your new home, you will want to make sure that you pack them in an efficient and organized manner. But if you really can’t part with your beloved novels, moving them in the storage unit is another option to hold onto them without having to move them into your new home. There you don,t have to worry about your keepers items.
So, read on sisters and brothers!