Moving can be one of the most difficult events we go through and we all have our stories – some that make us laugh, some because of pure comedy value and somewhere we have to laugh else we’ll cry. If you need reassuring that everything will be alright in the end when moving house then here are a selection of some funny moving house stories that we collected for you from different testimonials.

“Over a period of around eight months, our buyers came round so many times to measure carpets, windows, room sizes and so on. As they were buying through a housing association it also meant they had not one but two surveys are done. During that time they also saw 6 changes of curtains. They requested we leave a set of curtains up, which we did. They kept delaying the signing of contracts until in the end, we moved the day before Christmas Eve, we had two little girls and nothing ready for Christmas due to their delaying tactics.
“On the day of the move they arrived at 8.30am to move in with a van full of furniture, our movers turned up at 9 am as arranged, they wanted to move their furniture into the rooms as we emptied them! Not a chance! Needless to say, I refused, as their solicitor had not sent the money to ours.
“We moved out, but refused to give them the keys as the cheque had not been given to our solicitor, they were not impressed and threatened to call off the sale, again not a chance, it was too late for that! Instead, our solicitor asked for the keys to be dropped off to him.
“Finally at 5.10pm their solicitor finally got off his butt and walked across the road to ours with the cheque! Meantime they had waited not very patiently to move in, ringing me on the hour to ask for the keys. Once the news came through that their solicitor had paid they had to collect the keys.
“The next morning, being Christmas Eve, I had to go shopping for Christmas food and pick u the toys and other Christmas stuff we needed including a Christmas tree, while I was out we had a call…
1. The small bedroom was too small for the bed they had bought, could we go round and remove the slope on the floor…..the slope was the bit of the floor and wall that went over the staircase! So no we could not remove it!
2. Could we take around all the curtains they had seen on previous visits so they could choose the ones they wanted as the ones we left up didn't match their furniture! And finally
3. The dining area wasn't big enough for their dining table and chairs…….could they have ours? Sorry if this was harsh, but no I was not going around with all my curtains for them to choose and definitely no to having my dining table and chairs!
“That was 22 years ago, and I have not moved again, they were definitely the buyers from hell!” – Laraine Spiteri

“I’d just exchanged contracts and received my keys on what I thought was a perfect place to live. I recruited my dad to help with the painting and we were to start straight away.
“Hadn't seen any of the neighbours but had heard they were ok to live next to. My dad was busy painting my daughter's room when there was a loud bang. What was only to be described as a gunshot followed by a very loud ear piercing scream. Dad and I jumped and got down on the floor quick as lightning and dad called the police.
“Police came, armed and normal, riot vans arrived, armed police and someone with a megaphone. They surrounded the house next door. Police that was on the phone to us still told us not to move and to stay until all was clear.
“Ten minutes later the lady on the phone told us to go outside so we did. Scared at what we would see we went and saw the lady that lived next door to us waiting with the police and laughing. The vans that had turned up had all left and there were only 2 policemen stood there. Turns out the little old lady who lived next door hadn’t been shot at all! She had been having a new meter put in and it was put up on a shelf while the engineer took the old one out but he hadn’t put it up properly and it dropped off and onto his foot (hence the scream and the loud bang!!)” – Lauren Pilkington

“We moved into our new house when I was 6 months pregnant and we had moved our bed to the new house but were still sleeping in the old house. We had to blow up a double airbed and sleep on that. Since I was pregnant, I had trouble getting up out of the airbed and had trouble lying back down again. In the night I got up for the loo and went and laid back in the bed but didn't lay down very softly and I sent my husband flying into the air!” – Caroline Spring Clarke
“I moved house 10 months ago… it was the most stressful thing I have ever done. Our landlord decided to sell his house without telling us and give us 1 week to find somewhere else to live, pack, move and paint the house back to the way it was when we first moved in.”
“We were very lucky that we found a house very quickly but it wasn't ready for us to move when we needed it. We boxed all our things and stored them in the garage of our new home but the house was not ready so we decided to pitch a tent in the back garden and lived in our wee tent for a week in the back garden.
“The funny thing was that although the move was so stressful we had a wonderful week in our tent in the garden. Our daughter Katie thought it was great to sleep outside & after all the stress and worry of the previous weeks it brought us close together as a family again.
“Our new neighbours thought we were mental outside cooking dinner on a wee stove and sleeping in a tent but they came round and joined us for a BBQ and now were really good friends.” – Vicky Wylie

“Wow, our move day was one to remember with me 8 ½ months pregnant it was a nightmare. It started with my bedroom mirror being dropped so I guess we should have known it was going to go downhill from there.
“My mum slipped as we were taking the washing machine down the stairs (we moved from a flat), her top set of teeth came flying out and broke in half so she was mortified and had to go to the dentist ASAP as her husband never seen her without teeth, so we were one down. Then my sister banged her hand on the door frame carrying boxes out and dislocated her knuckle so she was off down A&E with my dad taking her so now, 3 down,
I thought things couldn't get worse when my waters broke and I went into labour….so I'm standing in an empty flat my waters have broken I have nearly all my stuff in the lorry and now I’ve got to get to the hospital, we had to be driven to maternity in the removal van – we must have looked like a bunch of crazy people.”
“I was in maternity for 4 hours when my son was born I was panicking thinking what's going to happen as we have nothing ready in our new house so the tears started….I was discharged the next day thinking I will be going back to a house turned upside down but my lovely partner and family had worked throughout the day and night and completely unpacked and set out our new house so Connor and I could be comfy. It was lovely and to be honest left me very emotional!
My sons room was completely set out too so as I was pushing for our baby they were pushing for time to get everything ready for us! Luckily I still had the keys to my flat so a few days later I went and said my goodbyes to my old home that looked so different now…. Don't think I'll ever forget that day and the kindness of people, well, it is now my son’s birthday!!” – Natalie Ann